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True love for great sound unites us.
Sound On Sound - Review LCT 940
Hugh Robjohns of Sound On Sound wrote a comprehensive review of the LCT 940. Check it out.
Review LCT 440 PURE - Sound on Sound
Paul White from Sound on Sound reviewed the LCT 440 PURE. Read his conclusions.
Bandrew of Podcastage just reviewed the INTERVIEWER and compared it with Electro Voice RE50B, Electro Voice 635A, Rode Reporter, and Mono HM-M2. His conclusion…
Review MTP 350 CM
Rob Gee of Mixdown Magazine wrote a informative review of the MTP 340 CM and concludes: "The incidental noise that comes from this microphone sounds like that of a dynamic mic, but the audio capture from the capsule is undeniably the clarity and richness of a condenser mic."
Review MTP 250 DM
Rob Gee of Mixdown Magazine wrote a revealing review of the MTP 250 DM. Conclusion: "All in all, this is a pretty tough little vocal microphone that delivers in both build and sound quality."
Recording Magazine - Review LCT 940
Paul Vnuk Jr of Recording Magazine reviewed the LCT 940. Read more about it.
ElectronicMusician - Review LCT 940
In this review Phil O'Keefe of the electronic musician magazine took a close look at the LCT 940.
Pro Sound News Magazine - Review LCT 640 TS
Check out Pro Sound News Magazine's review of the LCT 640 TS.
Review LCT 440 PURE
Check out the review of the LCT 440 PURE by Recording Magazine.
LCT 240 PRO Review by Chris Milnes
Check out this guest review of the LCT 240 PRO by musician & music producer Chris Milnes.
LCT 040 MATCH vs LCT 140 AIR
Eytschpi42 and Alex Nasla from Geargods tested the LCT 040 MATCH and LCT 140 AIR.
LCT 240 PRO Giveaway
Killer live vocal performance by Lauren Babic singing Nitroglycerin of her band CrazyEightyEight. It's so impressing, how Lauren can switch between the…