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Ryan Canestro hat das MTP 440 DM und einige andere Mikrofone getestet.
Summary: "They felt rock solid. Not knowing yet what the price point of the microphones was, I assumed that they were likely more expensive than other similar handheld models. I was very surprised to find out that they are less expensive than most all of the comparable handheld mics in this category.
All of the LEWITT mics had more output gain than their Shure counterparts, seemingly similar feedback rejection, and were very similar in overall sound quality. I was able to hear the mics alongside comparable models at both lower price points (GLS Audio ES-57s and ES-58s) and higher (Shure SM57, SM58, Beta 58a, Sennheiser e 835 & e 845). Based on pricing, the LEWITT mics should fall right in the middle of these two categories. Based on the mics’ performance, I was surprised to find that was not the case: the LEWITT mics were generally indistinguishable from the Shures and Sennheisers.
I ran the Lewitt MTP 440 DM on one guitar cabinet and a Shure SM57 on the other. I could not hear a difference from one to the other. The MTP 440 also did quite well on the snare drum and did a great job on a vintage Ampeg flip top bass rig.
Conclusion: "I would not hesitate at all to use these microphones in a live setting. They are solidly built, the feedback rejection was excellent, they have plenty of output gain, and best of all, they provide great sound quality. With live microphones, I do not normally stray from the classics, but if you want to save a couple bucks and sacrifice very little (if anything perceivable at all), check out the LEWITT MTP Series Performance Microphones for live sound."