True love for great sound unites us.
True love for great sound unites us.
Walk off the Earth, a Canadian indie band formed in 2006, is currently taking the world by storm.
Walk off the Earth, a Canadian indie band formed in 2006, is currently taking the world by storm. Their brilliant 5-person-playing-one-guitar interpretation of Gotye’s “Somebody That I Used To Know” went viral on YouTube and now has well over 170 million views.
Walk Off The Earth recently rocked LEWITT’s home city of Vienna, Austria as part of their European tour and we had the pleasure of talking with Gianni and Joel about life on tour, their work on recording the new single TAEKWONDO, and their experiences with LEWITT microphones.
Ever since Walk Off The Earth experienced the modern and authentic sound of LEWITT microphones, the multi-talented band has used these mics for their recordings – as in their most recent single TAEKWONDO, for which they recorded their vocals using the LEWITT LCT 940. Producer and multi-instrumentalist Gianni says the following about the recording process with this mic: “It sounded great. Every voice is different, and when producing Walk Off The Earth songs and dealing with 3 different singers, I found that playing with the tube-to-FET ratio gave me a different sweet spot for each singer. My sweet spot is 75% tube, Marshall’s is right in the middle at 50% tube / 50% FET, and Sarah sounds best more towards the FET side.
But Gianni isn’t just a fan of this microphone’s sound and its unique feature of being a tube and a FET microphone in one housing; he also commented on the LCT 940’s design: “Aside from the LCT 940 sounding really good, you can’t forget the fact that it’s a very sexy microphone. It’s great that the people at LEWITT did their own design rather than going for that typical vintage look, and when I use the LCT 940 in my studio, the first thing people say about the entire place is that the microphone looks so awesome. So good work on the aesthetics!
Before Walk Off The Earth tried the LCT 940, they’d been using the U87: “We like to call the LCT 940 the U87 killer, because we A/B’d the two mics, the LCT 940 compared favorably, and now I practically always choose it over my U87.”