True love for great sound unites us.
True love for great sound unites us.
LCT 640 TS - Freely change the polar pattern in postproduction!
Creative Sound Lab made a video about how polar patterns can change vocals.
20 easy vocal warm-ups you can do in 5 minutes
OCT certified vocal teacher Lauren Babic shows 20 quick and easy to follow vocal warm-up exercises that will work wonders for your voice - whether you're a…
LCT 240 PRO Giveaway
UPDATE The Giveaway is closed. Make sure to never miss a chance to win free LEWITT microphones by subscribing to our newsletter. We'll let you know about future…
LCT 640 TS Feature & Giveaway
Update The Giveaway is now closed to submissions! Make sure to never miss a chance to win free LEWITT microphones by subscribing to our newsletter. We'll let…