True love for great sound unites us.
True love for great sound unites us.
Are you looking for a vocal microphone but need help deciding which one to get? Let us help you out.
We have produced microphones for over 10 years and sold over a million products worldwide. Our recommendations are fact-based and fact-checked by audio professionals with many years of experience.
Read on if you want to learn more about microphones for recording vocals.
The microphone that works great for your favorite artist might not be quite right for you and your music.
As sound and tone are subjective, finding the microphone that feels right for your voice is essential.
Having said that, microphones that work well for most people do exist.
To make recording as easy as possible, LEWITT microphones feature Record-Ready sound. It is based on sound preferences of professional and semi-professional users and saves time and work as it gets you closer to your final mix from the start.
If you don't want to break the bank, we recommend the following products.
In any case, we highly recommend you try the microphone before buying, in the best case, you find a shop nearby. It pays off to check out different models and try them to find the perfect match for you.
Here are some solid recommendations from other brands:
If you are looking for a microphone that you can also use in band practice or for live gigs, we recommend a handheld dynamic microphone.
Here is a solid recommendation from another brand:
At LEWITT, many have pro audio experience and work on music as a second job. Let's ask some of them what vocal microphones they use and recommend.
Lukas works in Product Management. He owns a recording studio and is also main audio engineer for his band, Crelm.
Q: What is your go-to vocal microphone, and why?
A: The LCT 1040 gives me many options with just one microphone. I adapt the sound with a short soundcheck to fit perfectly with my artist. Artists also like the look of the microphone and comment on it positively, which helps create a positive atmosphere and gets the best performance out of them.
Q: What microphone would you recommend for somebody just starting to record?
A: The LCT 440 PURE is an absolute gem and gives you fantastic sound at a great price. When you start, you usually get an affordable option and upgrade later for better results. No need to upgrade with the LCT 440 PURE, it's a mic for life. It can be part of any professional recording setup, whether you record your first EP or a Grammy hit.
Martin, AKA DJ Kapazunda, works in Sales. He is a legendary Viennese Hip-Hop producer and DJ. Here is what he had to say about his choice of vocal microphones.
Q: What's your favorite vocal mic?
A: I tend to use a lot of effects in post-production. It's very important that the recorded material is neither too bright nor too dark. PURE TUBE does precisely that. The high frequencies are slightly tamed, and the lower frequencies are slightly "rolled-off", balancing the proximity effect. When searching for a mic for a specific application, it's essential to think about the tonal frequency range. PURE TUBE fits perfectly in the range of the human voice. The tube circuitry provides a warm and full sound without adding fuzziness or over-saturation - this mic is my first choice.
Q: What do you recommend as a starter mic?
A: I would go for the LCT 240 PRO. As a beginner, the budget aspect is very important. The mic adds just the right brilliance in the upper-frequency range to make your vocals stand out in a mix. Considering the price-to-performance ratio, you can't go wrong with the LCT 240 PRO. Plus: It's also great for instrument-recordings.
If you are looking for the best of the best and are willing to spend a little extra, here are some outstanding vocal microphones that will get your vocal sound to another level.
LCT 540 S
This microphone is known for being the quietest microphone worldwide. Its self-noise is below the threshold of human hearing. It's an excellent choice for vocals because it allows you to capture every little detail with unparalleled clarity.
It is excellent for quieter vocals or whispers.
This microphone is special. It was designed specifically for vocal and voice recording. It's a tube microphone, which gives it a special quality and nuance. Add warmth and depth with silky-smooth high-end to your vocals and get premium sound, unlike any other microphone classic.
LCT 1040
This is the one microphone to rule them all. Usually, if an application doesn't work well for one microphone, you need to try another mic and see if that one works better. With the LCT 1040, you can adjust the sound to your liking and tailor the sound to fit the situation. It is the ultimate microphone system. It has a ton more useful sound-shaping tools and workflow improvements. Check out more details on the product page!
To capture a great vocal sound, you need more than just the right gear. You also need to learn how to use your microphone to optimize your audio further. Do not worry; we have detailed tutorials and videos for many topics.
Learning how to use your equipment is essential to get a great sound.
How to record vocals at home
Learn how to position the microphone, where to record it, what settings to use in your DAW, and more.
Go to "How to record vocals at home" blog
What is gain staging?
Learn how to set your microphone's gain correctly to achieve optimal quality in your DAW.
Go to "What is gain staging?" blog.
Tips for improving your microphone quality
If you want to upgrade your audio quality even further, this blog has some tips on where to start.
Go to "How to improve your microphone quality with 5 easy steps".
Different microphones have different features. Here are some easy-to-understand explanations of what the different terms mean and whether you need them for vocal recording.
Polar Patterns
The polar pattern of a microphone determines where the microphone is most sensitive and picks up the most sound. Most mics have a cardioid polar pattern, which means they are most sensitive from the front and least sensitive from the back. For vocals, you want a microphone with a cardioid polar pattern.
Learn more about Polar Patterns.
Low cut filters
Some microphones come with a low-cut filter, which is basically a built-in equalizer that removes low frequencies. It can be handy, but you definitely don't need one for recording vocals.
Learn more about the topic in this blog, "What does a low-cut filter do?".
In some cases, microphones come with a PAD. PAD stands for passive attenuation device, and it reduces the sound pressure level of recorded sound sources. This is great for recording very loud sources, like drums or brass instruments, but it's not needed for vocal recordings.
I hope this blog helped you understand the world of vocal microphones better. If you still have questions or want a more personal recommendation, please get in touch with us through email or social media. We're happy to help.