Schanzstraße 14
1150 Vienna
Telephone international
T +43 (1) 904 35 45
Mo-Fr 10:00 – 17:00 CET
If you want to contact our support, please include the following information:
// Serial number (on the side of the microphone, sometimes direct light is needed) or the 7-digit code from the warranty card
// A proof of purchase
// The country you live in
// Your contact information and address
// A detailed description of the problem and if possible a sound file or picture
[email protected]
Company registration no.
FN 331913h
Commercial Register
Handelsgericht Wien
VAT registration no.
ATU 65514909
Competent Supervisory Authority
Magistratisches Bezirksamt, 6., 7. Bezirk
Chamber Affiliation
Wirtschaftskammer Wien
Applicable Law
GewO, http://www.ris.bka.gv.at/Bundesrecht
LEWITT webshop
Lewitt Vienna GmbH
Schanzstrasse 14
1150 Wien
[email protected]
Company registration no.
FN 483403m
Commercial Register
Handelsgericht Wien
VAT registration no.
ATU 73231246
Competent Supervisory Authority
Magistratisches Bezirksamt, 6., 7. Bezirk
Chamber Affiliation
Wirtschaftskammer Wien
Applicable Law
GewO, http://www.ris.bka.gv.at/Bundesrecht